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Life-Cycle Events

Life-cycle events are an important part of every Jewish family's life.

At Or Shalom we want to do everything possible to make such events satisfying and significant for each of our members. Please contact our office and we will be pleased to answer your questions and help you plan your event.


Life-cycle events include:


  • B'rit milah
  • Baby Naming/Simchat Bat
  • Bar/Bat Mitzvah
  • Confirmation
  • Wedding
  • Funeral
  • Conversion

B'rit Milah
The Torah commands us to circumcise our newborn sons on the eighth day of their new lives. This powerful ceremony celebrates new life and brings our sons into Judaism’s sacred covenant. Rabbi Margolis can put you in touch with a mohel (ritual circumciser), help the parents understand the ceremony and co-officiate, along with the mohel.


Baby Naming/Simchat Bat
We celebrate the great blessing of a newborn daughter with a ceremony that brings her into the covenant and confers upon her a Hebrew name. At Or Shalom we usually celebrate the giving of a Hebrew name during our once-a-month young children's service. Please contact our office to schedule a date 847-362-1948 to reserve a date.


Bar/Bat Mitzvah
A bar/bat mitzvah is one of the most significant life-cycle events in a Jewish person’s life. The rabbi and staff at Or Shalom want to help make this occasion as meaningful, spiritual and memorable as possible for you and your child. B'nai mitzvah students are moving from childhood to adulthood, from learning to be responsible to being responsible. This rite of passage marks the entrance into Jewish adulthood and thus reasserts Jewish identity at a crucial point of passage. The accomplishments of each bar/bat mitzvah create a strong sense of pride and a deeper connection to Judaism.
B'nai Mitzvah Handbook
Mitzvah Project Ideas


Rabbi Margolis can help you prepare for this wonderful, joyous occasion, by teaching bride and groom the meaning of the ceremony, from ketubah (marriage document), to kiddushin (engagement) to chuppah (marriage canopy) to nisuin (marriage ceremony) to breaking the glass. Counseling is available, offering Jewish wisdom in preparation for a life dedicated to love and companionship. Our rabbi will also work with you to design the ceremony, utilizing his knowledge and many years of experience.


Our tradition offers several powerful end-of-life rituals including: kriah (tearing of a garment), levayah (funeral procession), chesped (eulogy), kevurah (burial) and shiva (days of mourning). Rabbi Margolis will guide you through this emotional process, and help you make your end-of-life decisions. He can also perform the funeral ceremony for our member families, and help you understand and implement meaningful Jewish mourning practices.


Sponsoring a Kiddush/Social Hall Rental
We are delighted to be able to rent our social hall for any occasion. Whether you are interested in sponsoring a basic Kiddush or a luncheon, or an evening affair, our staff can assist you with all the preparations. Please contact our office to check for availability and pricing - 847-362-1948.

Mon, February 10 2025 12 Sh'vat 5785